Main Facts

Investor: Pomiechówek Commune

Performed works: demolition works, the performance of the sports hall and outdoor sports field with a running track, parking lots and pavements
Implementation time: July 2009-September 2010

Implementation description:

The construction of the sports hall with the hygiene-sanitary back-up facility, a connector with the existing school building and new land development in Pomiechówek. The investment was implemented in the operating primary school and junior secondary school. The building structure consisted of adhesive wooden elements with covering from sandwich panels with a polyurethane core. The hall includes hygiene-sanitary rooms, warehouses, dressing rooms, gyms, teachers’ rooms and a fitness hall. Directly near the new facility, a full-size artificial grass field was performed with a running track with a polyurethane surface. The entire hall was equipped with required sports and gymnastics accessories.
